About Gwen

I’m Gwendeline Leuteria, but you can call me Gwen. I’m a social worker, teacher, trainer, facilitator, and NLP master coach residing in Curaçao.
I love to connect with people and I’m passionate about bringing them together for educational and personal growth purposes. Over the years, I have been through different life challenges. Navigating through all that I have been through was not easy but it was well worth it…

I thought I had it all. A vision of what my life should look like.

Just like a lot of people, starting my own family and living happily ever after was my ultimate dream growing up: this meant marrying my dream man, having children at the perfect age of 25, and working at my dream job. I had already planned the perfect life, and thought I was on my way, but as it turns out I faced many challenges at the start of my journey.

It all began with my getting divorced at a very young age. This made me realize that the plan I had envisioned for the perfect life was faulty. Something was amiss, this awareness made me search deeper within. So I went back to my internal drawing board.

When I look back at my previous marriage, I see two young people who came together, with all good intentions but lacked understanding and experience of the inner self. Thereby; no understanding of what it took, to create that which we both longed for at that time; which was to preserve the essence of family.

Take a look at my services for:

"Home is where the heart is, your body is your temple. Family is the first essential cell of human society. Creating a happy family starts with understanding the essence of love.."

I searched 13 years for the answers, maybe you are searching too.

I had questions that needed answers. Who was I really? How do I choose my life partner? How did my family influence me? How do I deal with my life and desires on a daily basis? These are some of the questions that I kept asking myself during those 13 years. I went deep within to unravel patterns that were deep-rooted in childhood traumas, religion, culture, and the environment I grew up in.

Something I learned: Self-reflection.

When I was 14 years old, my family and I moved to The Netherlands. This was a huge culture shock. I lived there for 11 years, where I finished High School and also obtained my Bachelor’s degree as a Social Worker.
During my first year of college, I studied my culture and family and I realized that self-reflection and taking responsibility are two of the most difficult things in Afro-Caribbean culture. It is something the world is dealing with. People are used to blaming others when things go “wrong”. Especially when they are not living consciously and intentionally. My main goal in life is to help people be more aware of their own behavior, emotions and transgenerational patterns that eventually influence the way they choose to build a family.

Gwen Inspires

Gwen Inspires is my company name but also the creative version of me. I started this company in 2015 with the goal to collaborate together with like minded partners to create change by bringing people together for fun, challenging and educational activities. Growing as a Social Entrepreneur means that I pursue novel applications that have the potential to solve community/family based problems. As a Social entrepreneur I believe that this form of doing business is a way of connecting to my life’s purpose, helping others find theirs, and making a difference in the world.

We are all in need of connection. You too!

Whether we want to admit it or not. True and real connection with ourselves and others will give us the power to choose to live a joyful life, and that’s how I can assist you. Having a better connection with yourself, your family, and the environment in which you live.
Click here to make your 20 minutes 1 on 1 Free Consultation to start your journey. There is greatness and limitless potential in all of us!

Take a look at my services for:

My mission and vision.

My mission is to make men, women, and teenagers aware of generational patterns.

Why? Because generational patterns can get in the way of personal development and relationships. I do this by myself, and also in collaboration with other organizations that believe in my mission and vision. We do this through courses, training, workshops, educational games, creating school materials, organizing events, and content on social media.

My vision

My vision is to see families standing united on a strong foundation. Based on love, good communication and mutual respect!

"I am not afraid to be vulnerable, that's my superpower. Your mind is your weapon!"

Take a look at my services for:

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